Mon. Feb 10th, 2025

Job-Seeking, Binding, and Breaking Spells Explained

spell to find a jobFinding a job can be challenging, but adding a job-seeking spell into your routine can help focus your intentions and give you confidence. The spell below is a simple way to open yourself up to new opportunities and align your energy toward achieving your career goals.

Materials Needed
A green candle (representing growth, prosperity, and success)
Patchouli or basil oil (associated with prosperity and abundance)
A small piece of paper
A pen with green ink
A clear quartz crystal (for amplifying intentions)
Optional: herbs like bay leaves or cinnamon for success
Set the Scene: Create a quiet, comfortable space free from distractions. Light your green candle and take a few deep breaths to center yourself.

Prepare the Candle: Anoint the candle with a few drops of patchouli or basil oil, running the oil from the middle of the candle to the ends. As you do this, imagine your career goals clearly in your mind.

Write Your Intentions: On the piece of paper, write down your job goals. Be specific—include details such as the type of work environment you want, the salary you’d like, and the skills you hope to use.

Set Your Intentions: Hold the paper in both hands, close your eyes, and visualize yourself happily working in your ideal job. Imagine what your life would feel like with this job and say, “I am open to new opportunities. May my career path be revealed.”

Charge the Crystal: Hold the clear quartz crystal and focus on channeling your job-seeking intentions into it. Place the crystal next to the candle.

Seal the Spell: Burn the paper using the candle’s flame, letting the ashes fall safely into a bowl. As it burns, say: “My path is clear; my purpose near. Let opportunity find me.”

Close the Ritual: Extinguish the candle and place the crystal somewhere you see often, such as on your desk or in a bag you carry daily, to serve as a reminder of your intentions.

Repeat this spell each week until you find a job or until you feel confident in your progress.

How do you do a binding spell
Binding spells are used to protect oneself or others by restricting certain energies or actions. These spells should be used cautiously, with ethical considerations. A binding spell can help set boundaries, prevent harm, or even bind yourself to certain positive goals.

Common Purposes of Binding Spells
To prevent someone from causing harm to you or others
To bind yourself to a positive goal or habit
To protect yourself from unwanted energies
Materials Needed for a Simple Binding Spell
Black or white candle (for protection and energy binding)
A piece of paper and pen
A piece of black string or ribbon
Optional: sage or incense for purification
Prepare Your Space: Light the sage or incense and cleanse your space by wafting the smoke around the area. This will help to clear negative energy and prepare the space.

Write the Intent: On the piece of paper, write down what or who you want to bind. Be specific. For example, if binding a habit, describe the habit clearly, or if it’s a person, write their name.

Focus Your Intention: Take the black or white candle, hold it in your hands, and focus on your intention. Think about why you need this binding spell and what outcome you desire.

Wrap and Bind: Wrap the piece of paper with the string, focusing on your intention as you do so. As you bind it, say: “I bind you (name or habit) from causing harm or disrupting peace. Let this be sealed in light and for the highest good.”

Seal with Candle Wax: Drop a few drops of wax from the candle onto the string to symbolically seal your intention.

Dispose of or Keep the Binding: Depending on the intent, you may choose to bury the bound paper or keep it in a safe place until you feel the binding is no longer needed. If binding yourself to a habit or goal, you might keep it where you’ll see it daily.

3. How to Break a Binding Spell
Breaking a binding spell may become necessary if the binding no longer serves its purpose or if you feel its energy is affecting you. Here’s a step-by-step guide for undoing a binding spell:

Materials Needed
Black or white candle (representing purification and protection)
A piece of black obsidian or onyx (for breaking energy ties)
Salt (for cleansing and protection)
A bowl of water
Create a Cleansing Space: Light the black or white candle and place the bowl of water nearby. Sprinkle salt in the water, saying, “how to break binding spell.”

Focus on the Binding: Hold the object that represents the binding (if there is one) or simply focus on your memory of it. Visualize the binding loosening and any negative ties being severed.

Speak Your Intention to Release: Place your hands over the bowl of salt water and say, “With light and love, I release any bindings that no longer serve me. Let this spell be undone, free and clear.”

Dispose of the Binding Materials: If you have any physical objects from the original binding spell, place them in the water. Let them soak for a few minutes, then safely discard them by burying or discarding the items, symbolizing release.

End with Gratitude: Thank any spiritual guides or energies for their help and close by extinguishing the candle.

how do you do a binding spell

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